
Dandelion pappus morphing is actuated by radially patterned material swelling

The dandelion pappus changes shape when it is wet. This is due to a unique ring of tissue in the centre of the structure that swells in a precise manner.

Informed dispersal of the dandelion

Why do the parachutes (pappi) of dandelion fruits close when wet? Fluid flow and drag forces are significantly altered when this occurs. We propose that this may be a form of informed dispersal in plants.

From passive to informed: mechanical mechanisms of seed dispersal

Plants use a variety of physical mechanisms to disperse their fruits and seeds. Some of these mechanisms can respond to environmental conditions to alter dispersal.

A separated vortex ring underlies the flight of the dandelion

We visualised the flow in the wake of a dandelion pappus and discovered a new type of vortex. The dandelion fruit flies with optimal porosity for its weight and size.

Design principles of hair-like structures as biological machines

Plants use a variety of physical mechanisms to disperse their fruits and seeds. Some of these mechanisms can respond to environmental conditions to alter dispersal.

Form and function of the dandelion fruit

Investigating the structure and function of the familiar dandelion fruit